It doesn’t matter how talented you are. Join specialized job oriented software courses & training programs and just learn the in-demand skills to be a better programmer.
Get trained and skilled under the guidance of expert software engineers and be ready for the jobs.
Showcase your profile with skills acquired and get hired by your dream company.
CS talent show, a live event hosted by the student community through their social media channels to showcase the projects done by students. Our instructors will monitor the students’ projects and provide guidance.
MNC HR representatives will visit Baabtra students to present their company, job opportunities, And job nature. Students will learn about the companies and have the chance to apply for jobs.
Digital fest for baabtra students is a platform for students to showcase their software application development skills to companies for securing a job.
Hiring Partners
Certified Courses
Happy Students
Baabtra is the skill development division of an IT Company Baabte System Technologies Pvt Ltd, headquartered in London UK, which is a member of NASSCOM (National Association of Software Service Companies), GTECH (Group of Technology Companies) and CAFIT (Calicut Forum for IT) having different software products in education domain. As part of the college curriculum many student groups are choosing as their platform for industrial visit. This is really helping college students to understand the working environment in an IT company and they can experience new technologies and trends in this field.
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