PHP for beginners. Best PHP course for non cs background students like B Com, BSc Mathematics, BSc Physics.
The goal of the CS diploma in PHP full stack development course training is to transform you into a professional web application developer. You will be able to do an application for Ecommerce hosted in a cloud server. Our expert team trainers always focus on real-time and skill development sections. You will receive real-time project experience with industry professionals along this course. We provide live-instructor-led training to help you in grasping programming concepts in PHP and typescript. You'll come to understand coding logic using popular languages and frameworks like JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, typescript and Angular while learning how to think like a programmer by building software from scratch.
Designing websites using HTML: Basic HTML tag and its usage, HTML tables, lists, and links, HTML forms.
Hosting the website: Hosting websites using ftp client.
Composer: Installing composer, creating and executing laravel project
Introduction to Laravel: Creating projects in laravel, laravel configurations, Adding templates, Writing views, Working with laravel, REST API.
Git-version control: Creating github repositories, push and pull, Cloning.
Website deployment: CI and CD, configuring laravel projects for deployment, Heroku cloud server, Connecting Git and Heroku, Hosting Laravel application on heroku server application
Test-driven development(TDD): Concept of TDD, writing TDD code for the project, executing test cases.
CSS:Basic structure of CSS, CSS box model, CSS selectors, Methods of applying CSS, Pseudo selectors, different Style properties, CSS grid layout, designing website using CSS
Bootstrap: Including Bootstrap, Bootstrap grid system, Designing HTML elements using Bootstrap, Bootstrap forms, Creating Bootstrap model and drop down menu, Designing web pages using Bootstrap
Programming using Javascript: data types, variables, arrays, Loops, decision making, functions, DOM manipulation using JavaScript, Creating a calculator using JavaScript
JQuery: Introduction to jquery, Jquery selectors, JQuery events and effects, Applying Jquery in Web Pages
Jquery ajax: JSON parsing in JavaScript
DBMS and relational database model, PostgreSQL, Keys, Applying DDL and DML commands, Functions, joins and subqueries, Designing database for a project
Basic programming: Variables, data types: number, string, arrays, comments, decision making, looping, functions, modules, exception handling, GET and POST arrays, CRUD operations in PHP
Object oriented programming: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
Introduction to laravel, MVC architecture, framework, eloquent ORM, writing ORM queries - insert, select, update, delete, joins etc., CRUD operations in laravel, Get, post, session and cookies, REST API, TDD, CI/CD, OTP verification, Payment gateway integration
TypeScript - Using variables, data types, Type assertion, Arrow functions, object oriented programming, getters and setters.
Using web browser for development-Using developer console, different types of browser storage, HTTP status codes.
Basics of Angular - NodeJS & Angular installation, using of angular CLI commands, Creating angular project.
Hosting - Heroku cloud server, Connecting Git and Heroku, Hosting angular application on heroku server application, enabling automatic deployment, CI/CD.
Angular directives - Types of angular directives, *ngIf, *ngFor, *ngSwitchCase.
Angular data & event binding - Data binding(one way&two way), Event binding, Interpolation, Property binding, Attribute binding, Class binding, Style binding, Template variable.
Angular decorators - Class decorator, property decorator, method decorator, parameter decorator.
Angular routing - routes, router module, router outlet, named routes. Reusable components, pipes, custom pipes, Observables and promises, auth guard.
Angular materials, using css in angular, material design bootstrap. Angular fx flex, SCSS/SAAS -Mixins, inheritance
Template driven forms, reactive forms, form validation. Custom validator, asynchronous validatior
Parent child relationship- Input properties, output properties, @view child, content projection
Non related components: Event emitters, subject, behaviour subject, replay subject
Creating services, Calling API(HTTP client module)
Slots available from 9am- 6pm (3 classes a week).
9am- 5pm (3 classes a week).
Web Developer
Codebean Solutions
Jr. Software Consultant
Odoo Developer Trainee
Jr. PHP Developer
Content & Training Associate
Baabte System Technologies
Software Trainer Trainee
Baabte System Technologies
Associate Software Engineer
Web Developer
Direct Axis
Web Developer
Direct Axis
Jr. Software Developer
iPix Solutions
Junier PHP Developer Limenzy
Software Developer,
It was really very good Time. The Training was excellent with good interaction and the Course was practically and informative. The course and internship helped me to improve my career, Valuable experiences and great learning. Thank you Baabtra
Joining baabtra was a good decision that I made. While learning a new language, I had so many doubts and my trainers Raagisha ma'am, Rushni ma'am were very helpful in resolving my queries. Even Faisal sir used to guide. It was a wonderful learning experience with Baabtra.
It was very good experience with team baabtra. Before joining Baabtra I just have a programming base in C , the teaching method and the trainers are really good. It helps me to learn coding easily.Now I realise that my decision to join Baabtra was 100% correct. thanks to Baabtra
It was a wonderful experience in Baabtra. The staff and faculties are very nice and especially from Faisal Sir.. If you want to learn coding, i will recommended Baabtra. Thank you Baabtra for providing the best internship training.
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